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2024 - How to Spring Clean Your Whirlpool Bath
How to Spring Clean Your Whirlpool Bath (The Easy Way)The daffodils are blooming, there’s blossom on the trees, and even the sun is making the occasional appearance. That can mean only one thing: spring is finally here. And while it’s one of the loveliest times of the year, it also…
Bug-Busters: How to Keep Your Home Virus-Free This Year
It’s almost impossible to ignore the global impact of the coronavirus in 2020.As the world tracks the progress of this new virus, it’s easy to forget that we deal with plenty of existing viruses in the UK each year – especially in winter.  Of course, good personal hygiene is one…
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Low-Maintenance Bathroom
Let’s face it: nobody really likes cleaning the bathroom.Even the most ardent of house-proud homeowners will admit that, sometimes, scrubbing a toilet just isn’t top of their to-do list. But it still has to be done – so what’s the solution? One possible answer is, rather than ignoring cleaning and…
4 Compelling Reasons to Consider an Autumn Cleaning in 2019
With the nights finally drawing in, it’s starting to look a lot like autumn.For some, it’s a time of celebration after the baking heat of the summer; for others, it’s time to stock up on woolly socks in preparation for winter. But no matter how you feel about autumn, we…
Bathroom Maintenance: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Absolute Beginner
There’s no shame in admitting that bathroom maintenance isn’t your strong suit. After all, we can’t all be plumbers, right? But, by the same token, you probably also don’t want to be stuck having to call a professional every time you discover a leaky tap. So, if you don’t know…
The No-Nonsense New Owner’s Guide to Looking After Your Whirlpool Bath
So, you just bought a new whirlpool bath? Well, first things first: congratulations, and welcome to the club. You’ve just made one of the best purchasing decisions of your life, but before you can start planning those indulgent nights in soaking your troubles away in bubbly bliss, there’s something we…
3 Surprising Tips Which Will Change the Way You Clean Your Bathroom
Let’s face it: nobody really loves cleaning the bathroom. You may get a flash of inspiration every now and then, but when it comes down to it, anything to make the job quicker or more efficient is usually most welcome. If this sounds like you, we’ve got some good news!…
Is Your Bathroom Summer-Ready? Our Red-Hot Tips for 2018
As we work our way through May – and with two heatwaves already under our collective belts – it’s looking like summer 2018 is set to be a scorcher. With that in mind, it may be time you ask whether or not your bathroom is summer-ready. From protective measures in…
The New Whirlpool Bath Owner's Guide to Essential Tub Maintenance
The new year is finally upon us, and with it a slew of new whirlpool bath owners. If you’re part of that lucky bunch, you may want to hold off for just a few moments before immersing yourself into bubbly indulgence. Why? Because we need to cover something important (but…
3 Top-Secret Cleaning Tips to Make Your Bathroom Look New Again
Let’s face it: cleaning the bathroom isn’t the most exciting thing in the world. In fact, sometimes it’s a downright chore… quite literally. It’s for this precise reason that so many of us keep an eye out for handy tips or time-saving methods that can cut our time spent cleaning…

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