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The Ultimate Guide to Chromotherapy


The Ultimate Guide to Chromotherapy (Updated for 2024)

Colour is all around us, but did you ever wonder if it could actually provide any benefits to our wellbeing? If so, we’d like to introduce you to the concept of chromotherapy. The idea has been around for millennia and even today is a popular form of alternative therapy. In this ultimate guide, you’ll learn exactly what chromotherapy is, how it all began, the wellness benefits it could potentially bestow, and how you can bring chromotherapy into your home today.

Ready to take a stroll across the rainbow bridge and immerse yourself into the world of chromotherapy? Then let’s begin!

Part 1: A short introduction to chromotherapy

Chromotherapy, sometimes known by the other names “colour therapy” or “colourology”, is a form of alternative therapy which aims to balance the various different forms of energy in a person’s body. These energies could be mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual. While the hard science on chromotherapy is still up for debate, this form of therapy has a long history as a traditional or alternative remedy for a number of different ailments. While it may not be a medicinal therapy, there are countless people around the globe who benefit from chromotherapy every day. In fact, a similar form of therapy — light therapy — which aims to treat mental health conditions, is regularly recommended by physicians.

Part 2: The history of chromotherapy

If you’re not sure whether or not chromotherapy is right for you, perhaps knowing some of its history will help. It’s also a great way to gain some context as to where chromotherapy stands in the modern day. As the world has moved more towards holistic therapies and alternative wellbeing options, chromotherapy has really come into its own – but the concepts underpinning it have actually been around for roughly 1000 years. The first words ever documented which linked colour to human wellbeing were found in a book titled “The Canon of Medicine” written by a man named Avicenna back in the year 1025. The most relevant line in the text reads, “colour is an observable symptom of disease”. Along with this statement, Avicenna also included a colour chart which correlated directly with the temperature of the body – remarkably similar to the charts used in modern-day chromotherapy, as we’ll soon see. The ideas put forward by Avicenna were then adapted by various people over the generations, resulting in the theory which powers modern-day chromotherapy. 

Part 3: The power of colour in chromotherapy

Now that we’ve got some perspective on what chromotherapy is, and where it came from, let’s examine the theory behind it. In a nutshell, the concept of chromotherapy suggests that exposure to colours can result in various positive effects on the human body and mind. Each colour correlates with a specific type of energy within the body and the theory goes that exposure to that colour will bring about positive changes to these energies. Just like other traditional therapies based in spiritualism, chromotherapy is based on the idea of the body having seven ‘chakras’ in certain locations. By targeting these with coloured light, energy can be balanced and positive changes may be the result. Below are the seven core colours involved in chromotherapy, along with their corresponding chakra points and energy types:    

  • Red is the colour of grounding and survival, and its chakra is located at the base of the spine.
  • Orange governs emotions, creativity, and sexuality, and is represented by the lower abdomen chakra.
  • Yellow is represented by the solar plexus chakra, and relates to power, a sense of self, and your confidence.
  • Green is the heart chakra and relates to love and personal responsibility.
  • Blue is the colour of communication, both spiritual and physical, and is related to the chakra in the throat.
  • Indigo governs your forgiveness, compassion, intuition, and understanding. Its chakra can be found around the eyebrows and forehead area.
  • Violet is represented by the chakra in the crown of your head. Its related energy is that of ideas and information, as well as a sense of connection to the greater universe.

Phew! That’s a lot of information, we’re sure you’ll agree, but it should now be clear exactly how chromotherapy works. To summarise, you expose a certain part of your body to the colour of your choice – usually using a light of some kind – and see whether you experience the spiritual benefits as per the chart. Just like many alternative or traditional therapies, results will vary from person to person. Luckily, even if you don’t experience a life-changing spiritual transformation, chromotherapy is also a great way to set a mood in a room, create some mental headspace, and enjoy some deep relaxation.

Part 4: How to bring chromotherapy into your home

One of the greatest things about the rapid advance of technology in the 21st Century is that exploring new ideas is easier than ever before. Where 1000 years ago men like Avicenna could only explore the world of colour with limited tools, we now benefit from the scores of digital technology which has been created since the digital boom. This means that, if you’re looking to at least dip your toe into the world of chromotherapy, you have plenty of choices. Here are just some ways you can bring the colours of chromotherapy into your home:

  • Smart lighting systems. With lighting systems such as Philips Hue, you’re now able to control any light in your home from your smartphone. Not only that, but many of them also allow you to change the colour to anything on the RGB spectrum. This way, you can try each of the colours from the comfort of home and see what works for you.
  • Interior decoration. If you’re already familiar with the concepts of chromotherapy and know exactly which colour you’d like to surround yourself with, why not consider some redecorating? By painting or wallpapering a room with the relevant colour, you can enjoy the spiritual benefits whenever you like – even passively as you go about your day.
  • Colour your digital life. There’s no denying that we now spend much of our lives in the digital world – which essentially means looking at screens. If you fall into this bracket, you can actually add a touch of chromotherapy to your everyday life the digital way. Consider changing your desktop or smartphone wallpaper to your colour of choice so you’re exposed more frequently – even when working or browsing the web.

Of course, we’ve saved the best for last here, because there’s one fabulous way to experience chromotherapy at home which surely trumps them all: underwater lighting in your bathtub. Let’s take a look in a little more depth…

Part 5: Chromotherapy in the bathroom

As we’ve discussed, at the heart of chromotherapy is the seven colours representing the core energies of the body. While the options in the previous part can help you enjoy these colours in small ways, there’s simply no better (or more immersive) way to do it than with a Chromotherapy Mood Lighting System. Essentially this is an underwater lighting system which transforms your existing bathtub into a full-blown chromotherapy light – including the option to switch to any one of the core seven colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo or Violet. Not only that, but if you can’t decide which colour you’d like to enjoy on a particular day, you can set the system to gently fade between all of them. Handy, right? One of the reasons that an underwater chromotherapy system like this is so effective is that you are essentially bathing in the light itself, maximising coverage. There’s no faffing around with smaller light sources and trying to direct the beam to the perfect location – you just lie back, relax, and enjoy the benefits. Even better, if you’re not sold on chromotherapy as a concept – no problem! Because the underwater lighting system is a visually stunning addition to any bathroom. No matter the age, no matter the core beliefs, there’s nothing quite like lying back in a bubbly whirlpool tub and watching the coloured glow gently fill the room.

There you have it: the complete story of chromotherapy and how you can get started with it today. Whether you’re a true believer and want to dive right into the world of chromotherapy right away, or you just enjoy the relaxation that mood lighting can bring, our team can help you. Get in touch today to learn more about the unique chromotherapy systems available.

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