The Bright Side: Could Your Bathroom Lighting Be Affecting Your Mood?
It’s fairly well-known that your environment can often have a significant impact on your mental state. Whether that’s feeling relaxed when strolling through a forest in springtime, or feeling a bit flustered during a three-hour traffic jam – there’s no doubt your surroundings affect your mood. But did you know that something as simple as lighting can also have a big effect? It’s true, so in today’s blog post, we’ll shed some light (ahem) on this complex topic.
The psychology of lighting
While it may seem like science fiction to suggest that the lighting of a room could affect your mood in some way, it’s actually been scientifically proven. For example, back in 2014 at the University of Toronto Scarborough, a study discovered that human emotion (both positive and negative) is actually amplified by bright light. This concept also plays into seasonal mood shifts that many of us experience. Ever felt gloomy in winter or full-of-beans in summer? If so, that could well be the mood-altering effect of light at play, but luckily, you can harness it to your benefit too. Even something as simple as a dimmer-switch in your bathroom (or any room in your home) can give you the power to take the edge off your mood whenever the need arises.
What is chromotherapy?
In addition to the intensity of light having an impact on your mood, it’s also possible that the colour of the light could make a difference too. It all revolves around a form of alternative therapy known as chromotherapy. Put simply, the idea is that, when exposed to different coloured light, the human body can benefit in different ways. For example, the colour blue is said to help with communication, while indigo could have a positive effect on your compassion and understanding. Whether or not you subscribe to chromotherapy as a therapy, there’s little doubt that certain colours can have a calming, soothing effect on our minds – and that’s especially useful when you’re relaxing in a whirlpool bath!
How should you light your bathroom?
So, with all of the above in mind, just how can you ensure your bathroom lighting is optimised for a positive mental outlook? Well, first and foremost, we’d recommend you install dimmer-switches for your main bathroom lights. Doing so will give you the ability to control that all-important intensity, whether you want to boost your energy levels or keep things more relaxed. Next up, for the all-out chromotherapy approach, we’d also suggest exploring our range of underwater lighting systems. Even just a handful of LED lights added to your tub can bring an entirely new mood to your bathroom, and make your whirlpool bath experience that little bit more indulgent.
If you’d like to dip a toe into chromotherapy lighting, or you simply want to enhance the mood in your bathroom, be sure to explore our range of bathroom lighting options. Have a question? Call the team anytime.