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4 Essential Bathroom Tips You Should (Probably) Already Know


Did you know that the average person will spend roughly 92 days in the bathroom over their lifetime? With that sort of time commitment, it’s important that you use your bathroom time in the best way possible. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 4 essential bathroom tips you should probably already be using. Let’s take a look.

Tip #1: Get wrinkles out of your clothes by… showering with them?

 It may sound a little bit barmy, (and, to be fair, it probably is), but if you’ve ever wondered how to save time on the ironing — you could try bringing wrinkled clothing into the shower with you. Well, not into the shower itself, but rather the bathroom. Simply hang wrinkled items on the back of the door as you use the shower, and the humidity which fills the room will work to smooth out those wrinkly fabrics.

 Tip #2: Avoid rust marks by turning your metal aerosol cans upside down 

Have you ever noticed those annoying brown rings you sometimes get after bathroom products have been sitting around for a while? These rings are usually the result of simple rust, stemming from the base of aerosol cans such as shaving foam and the like. Naturally, bathrooms are pretty wet places, so certain metals — even if they’ve been covered by protective layers — will eventually oxidise and cause rust to aggregate. The solution? Simply turn those cans upside-down! Most caps are made of plastics, so won’t suffer the same fate.


Tip #3: Install spice racks to hold cosmetics and other bathroom essentials


Clutter is one of the biggest bugbears for bathrooms across the country, especially for busy families with seemingly endless supplies of products. So how can you alleviate this problem without splashing out on additional storage, or when space is simply at a premium? Well, one unusual solution is to install a set of spice racks. That’s right: the very same that you’d see in any kitchen. These are easy to install and the ideal size for most cosmetics and products like shampoo and conditioner. Just don’t blame us if you accidentally reach for the paprika rather than the shower gel!


Tip #4: Invest in multi-purpose storage units


Installing the right amount of storage can be something of a balancing act, especially if you have a smaller space available to you. But instead of just cramming in more traditional storage, you might consider an alternative option. For example, one handy innovation in this area is the Trojan Repono whirlpool bath. It’s unique because, rather than having the space below the tub go to waste, this one incorporates storage space which you can use to clear the clutter and restore a bit of zen to your bathroom.


We hope our list has given you a little bit of inspiration to try something different in your bathroom. And don’t forget, if you’re looking to give your bathroom a facelift this year, you’ll find everything you need at The Spa Bath Co.

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