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4 Bathroom Cleaning Life-Hacks (That Actually Work)


Cleaning the bathroom: it’s just one of those chores that has to be done. But that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. In fact, with the right techniques, you can shave precious minutes off your cleaning time and spend more of it relaxing in your whirlpool bath. With that in mind, here are our top four bathroom cleaning lifehacks… that actually work!

4. Clean your bathroom accessories in the dishwasher

Whether it’s your toothbrush holder caked with toothpaste or the soap dish built up with old soap, grubby bathroom accessories are a fact of life. But don’t waste time slaving away with a scouring pad; next time you encounter this scenario, just pop the item in question into the dishwasher. It’s quick, simple, and risk-free! Just remember to double-check that your accessory is dishwasher safe before popping it in with your dinner plates. 

3. Get rid of hard water stains with a lemon

If you live in a hard water area, you’re probably very familiar with those little white patches you find on your taps, fixtures, and even glassware. They really can be troublesome – and stubborn too. This staining is a result of the chemical makeup of hard water, but there is a way for you to get rid of them safely and gently: good old-fashioned lemon juice! That’s right, simply cut a lemon in half and rub the open face against the stains on the metal, chrome, etc. You should find that the stains simply disappear. 

2. Use a cuppa to clean your mirrors

Any self-respecting Brit knows the importance of a good cup of tea, but did you know it can be great for cleaning too? Simply soak two or three teabags in warm water to create a strong black tea solution. Don’t worry, you won’t need to use any milk for this lifehack. Now, grab a soft cleaning wipe like a microfiber cloth, dip it in your black tea, then use it to polish up any mirror or other glass surface in your bathroom. It’ll leave a streak-free shine without the use of any harsh chemicals… lovely!  

1. Dishwands and vinegar are your secret weapon

Do you have a “dishwand” at home? You know, those scrubbing brushes which you can fill with washing-up liquid? Well, if so, you can actually use it to clean lots of surfaces in your bathroom – from the tiling on the wall to your fibre-glass bath surfaces. Just mix one-part liquid soap with one-part white vinegar, pop it into the dishwand, and voila! A safe, gentle way to tackle even the toughest of dirt and grime in your bathroom. It’s also a brilliant way to avoid getting anything icky on your hands…

Now that you know how to get your bathroom looking spick and span, why not check out our range of whirlpool baths and accessories? You’ll find a wide range in our online whirlpool bath shop. Have a question? Call our friendly team today.

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